
Divine Attributes: Knowing the Covenantal God of Scripture is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book offers a clear and constructive account of the nature and attributes of God. It addresses the doctrine of God from exegetical, historical, and constructive-theological perspectives, bringing the biblical portrayal of God in relationship to the world into dialogue with prominent philosophical and theological questions. The book engages questions such as: Does God change? Does God have...

that such language is to be interpreted as if it applies to God and creatures in precisely the same way. Neither, however, should theological language be taken as equivocal—as if such language holds an altogether different meaning when applied to God than its meaning in human contexts. If biblical language is equivocal, it could not effectively communicate anything about God that humans could understand. As such, I agree with the many theologians who believe that language about God should be understood
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